10 tips for a dynamic support network

7 min read
Sofia veil
Personal Dvpt

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A support network is a group of people you can count on in times of need, whether it's for listening, advising, assisting, or comforting you.

Comprised of friends, family members, and the community, its positive impact on health is undeniable, acting as a protective shield against life's challenges. But more than that, these networks reinforce the sense of control and assurance, providing resources that enrich our daily lives.

It's an interconnected system, a set of reliable individuals where reciprocity plays a key role. What distinguishes a strong support network is this reciprocity. It's the ability to give and receive, exchange advice, emotions, and experiences. This sharing dynamic creates a sense of belonging, builds trust, and establishes lasting bonds. Thus, a well-woven social network is not only an individual asset but also a crucial pillar for the stability and well-being of a society.

Here are 10 tips for nurturing your network:

1. Take stock of your current relationships. Identify people who are close to you, who bring you comfort, who share your values and interests, who respect and accept you as you are. These individuals will form the core of your support network.

2. Strengthen the bonds with these individuals. Show them you care, appreciate their presence, and are grateful for their help. Communicate regularly with them, via phone, message, email, or face-to-face. Share your joys, sorrows, plans, or doubts. Be attentive, empathetic, compassionate, and curious about the concerns of those around you. Don't hesitate to ask for their help when you need it and offer your assistance when they do.

3. Expand your circle of acquaintances. Create opportunities to meet new people. Engage in social, cultural, sports, community, or professional activities that interest you. Be open, curious, smiling, and respectful. Initiate conversations, ask questions, express your opinion while listening to others', and offer compliments. Avoid judging people based on appearance, background, status, or opinion. Seek common ground, affinities, shared values instead.

4. Be selective. You don't need hundreds of friends. It's better to prioritize quality over quantity. Ask yourself why you associate with the people around you. Choose those who bring positivity, inspiration, motivation, and help you grow. However, also keep in mind that true friends may alert you if you exhibit harmful behavior. They can help you reflect on your actions and improve. Avoid toxic relationships that undermine your self-esteem, criticize you unfairly, or seek to manipulate you. Remember, cultivating strong relationships and trust takes time. It's a process built through shared experiences, moments lived together, and challenges overcome.

5. Diversify your exchanges. Don't rely on a single person for all your concerns; you risk overburdening, tiring, or losing them. Try to have several trusted people who can offer different perspectives based on the situations. You can also have reference people in different areas such as family, work, hobbies, health, etc.

6. Seek...
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