​​The causes of depression

3 min read
Sofia veil

Depression is more often the result of a combination of recent events and longer-term or personal factors, rather than a single, immediate problem or event.

It is sometimes difficult to identify the causes of depression, but factors favor its appearance and development.

Thus, life events, persistent difficulties like:

  • loneliness or isolation,
  • living in an abusive or indifferent relationship,
  • prolonged stress at work,
  • or long-term unemployment

are more likely to cause depression than recent life stresses.

However, depending on your situation, recent events (such as the loss of a loved one, illness or job loss) or a combination of events can trigger depression. Personal factors or bad past experiences can aggravate this risk.

Depression can also involve personal factors:

  • personality: people with low self-esteem, negative, who worry a lot, sensitive to criticism or perfectionists are more at risk of depression.
  • family history: genetic factors may come into play, but having a relative with depression does not mean that you will automatically have this experience. Life circumstances and other personal factors have an important influence in the onset of the disease.
  • the consumption of addictive substances (drugs, alcohol, non-prescription drugs): their consumption can lead to depression.
  • a serious illness: the pain, fear and stress of a long-term illness can lead to depression.

Given the growing number of people affected by this disease, depression is the subject of much research. Chemical imbalances have sometimes been identified in depressed people, but it was very quickly shown that this was not enough to be a marker of depression but rather to confirm that the main causes are multiple each time.

It is particularly important to know yourself well and to pay attention to your behavior and habits when you know you have weaknesses.

So, genetic vulnerability, severe life stressors, substances you may be taking (certain medications, drugs, and alcohol), and medical conditions can affect how your brain regulates your moods. By remaining vigilant and attentive to your well-being, you will be able to identify the risks of depression and discuss them with your doctor or those around you to prevent it from setting in.

As you will have understood, our strengths in the face of depression are specific to each one. It is often a combination of factors that can contribute to its development.

It is not always possible to identify the cause of depression or to change difficult circumstances, but the important thing is to recognize the signs and symptoms to seek or give help.