Explaining psychological manipulation

5 min read
Sofia veil
Personal Dvpt

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Psychological manipulation is a phenomenon of mental control aimed at subjecting a person to the will of another. It can occur in various contexts: within a couple, family, friendship, or any other group (religious, cults, workplace, etc.). What are the mechanisms, signs, and consequences of psychological manipulation? How to break free and rebuild? Here are some elements of response.

What is psychological manipulation?

Psychological manipulation is a form of psychological dominance, control, and violence that gradually and insidiously establishes itself in a relationship. The manipulator seeks to control the thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and choices of the victim using various techniques: seduction, lies, blackmail, guilt-tripping, devaluation, or isolation. It's a form of 'psychological torture' that leads to emotional dependency and loss of the victim's identity.

Psychological manipulation is not always visible or conscious. It may even be perceived as a form of love, protection, or support by the victim, who initially feels recognized, valued, or helped by the manipulator in the early stages of the relationship. However, it's an illusion because the manipulator has no genuine interest in the victim, only in what they can gain: power, money, sex, or recognition. The manipulator lacks empathy and respect for the victim, seeing them as an object or means to fulfill their needs.

What are the signs?

Detecting psychological manipulation is not always easy as it manifests subtly and varies in different situations. However, there are signs that can alert:

- The victim gradually withdraws from family, friends, activities, or interests to dedicate themselves exclusively to the relationship with the manipulator.
- The victim experiences criticism, reproaches, humiliations, threats, blackmail, verbal, physical, or sexual violence from the manipulator but downplays or justifies them.
- The victim feels responsible for the relationship, the happiness, or the unhappiness of the manipulator, thinking they can change or help them.
- The victim feels uneasy, anxious, sad, or guilty in the relationship but cannot detach themselves.
- The victim fears the manipulator, their reaction, judgment, anger, revenge, or losing them.
- The victim feels they've lost themselves, their free will, personality, tastes, plans, or dreams.

What are the mental health impacts?

Psychological manipulation has detrimental effects on the victim's health and well-being, leading to:

- Anxiety, depression, post-traumatic disorders.
- Sleep, eating, sexual disorders.
- Psychosomatic problems, pain, illnesses.
- Identity, self-esteem, self-confidence issues.
- Relationship, social, professional difficulties.

How to escape?

Escaping psychological manipulation is challenging as the victim is often trapped in emotional ties, fear, guilt, or shame. However, there are ways to break free and rebuild:

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